Office Networks

IT infrastructure has become an essential requirement for most businesses.  As your business grows you will probably reach a stage when your office computers would benefit from being linked up so that you and your staff can have access to centrally stored data and emails within the office, another branch, or even from remote locations or when working from home. This can be easily be achieved by setting up a dedicated File Server.

We specialise in setting up secure Linux file servers and backup servers which can be accessible over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to allow secure connections between staff, branch offices, and other remote locations, including home, so that you can always have access to your work.

We use a linux package called Samba which provides cross-platform networking ( i.e. sharing files and services between Windows, Macintosh and Linux based PCs).

Our help isn’t limited to setting up systems; we continue to provide ongoing support. In addition to direct telephone and email support, we conduct the maintenance of your file servers remotely, via a secure connection. This means that system updates and security patches are checked daily and installed promptly at relatively low cost. We also monitor the systems and routines such as the automatic backups, remotely.

Using a Debian file server to centralise your workfiles with overnight (or more frequent) backup to a separate system provides:

  • Collaborative working – the ability to share files amongst users and restrict access to specific users or groups
  • Security of your data – full snapshots of backup files going back six months or more so your files are protected in the event of: systems failure, deletion by mistake or malice or corruption due to viruses or malware
  • A scaleable solution that will accommodate additonal applications such as databases and mail servers without the need to purchase additional licenses or hardware