First you need to install pacpl. Open a Terminal and type:
sudo apt-get install pacpl
Any dependencies, as usual with Debian, will also be installed.
Ensure that your CD is in the drive, and decide in which directory you want to put the resulting MP3 tracks – I would suggest your Music directory which will probably be /home/[yourname]/Music. It’s a good idea to create a directory here with the name of the artist, so the files will be put directly into /home/[yourname]/Music/[ArtistsName] as they are copied & ripped.
Then type:
pacpl --rip all --to mp3 --outdir /home/[yourname]/Music/[ArtistsName]
If you want to check the manual, just type:
man pacpl
(q to close it)
pacpl --longhelp
(q to close it)